Dr. Naim bin Hassan bin Tawfiq Al Yafi
He was born in Homs, Syria, in 1936, and studied in its schools and frequented to the sheikhs of its mosques and seminaries of knowledge. Dr. Naim was Homsi by birth, Aleppian by residence, and Damascene by work and whim.
He graduated from Cairo University with a Bacherlors’ degree in Arabic literature, followed by a Master’s degree and a PhD in the same field. Then he taught modern literature at the universities of Aleppo, Damascus, Algeria and Kuwait. He supervised about eighty-five theses for master’s and doctoral degrees in Syrian universities.
Dr. Naim was appointed as a referee in the Saudi Al-Babtain Foundation, the Suad Al-Sabah Foundation, the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, and the King Faisal International Prize. He is a member of the Arab Writers Union.